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Alle Oberthemen / Management / Ethics and Social Responsibility / Exam 1
Adaptive Thinking has four parts: Independent thinking, Open-mindedness, Systems thinking and Personal mastery.
Define Independent Thinking. How do you get others to see things differently? (2 answers)
Independent Thinking - questioning assumptions and interpreting data and events according to one's beliefs, ideas, and thinking, rather than pre-established rules made by others

How do you get others to see things differently?
1. take your time and approach from different vantage points
2. don't underestimate the power of resistance
Neuer Kommentar
Autor: savhighsmith
Oberthema: Management
Thema: Ethics and Social Responsibility
Schule / Uni: UGA
Ort: Athens
Veröffentlicht: 04.03.2011




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