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QR Code Generators/Readers
QR stands for 'Quick Response'. Essentially, it is a barcode in which people can scan with their mobile devices and gain information that is attached with that barcode.
In a K-12 setting, I would use this to create a sort of scavenger hunt. Students would be given a question and they would have to find the QR codes which will provide them with hints or pictures related to the answer. They continue until all the hints are given to them or until they reach the answer on their own with all the clues provided.
In a K-12 setting, I would use this to create a sort of scavenger hunt. Students would be given a question and they would have to find the QR codes which will provide them with hints or pictures related to the answer. They continue until all the hints are given to them or until they reach the answer on their own with all the clues provided.

Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Mobile Technology
Thema: Education
Veröffentlicht: 20.11.2012