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Which patients with a stable coronary artery disease would I recommend an interventional therapy in addition to pharmacotherapy?
● Generally, patients in higher classes of coronary artery disease opt more frequently for interventional procedures such as coronary artery bypass graft or percutaneous intervention (PCI, "stenting") due to reduced life quality.
● Which patients profit from an elective (scheduled) percutaneous intervention followed by pharmacotherapy in comparison to pharmacotherapy alone is controversial. Currently, PCI seems to be beneficial to patients with ischaemia encompassing more than 10% of the myocardium or with "functional" (i.e. advanced) stenoses with functional flow reserve values <0.80.
● Which patients profit from an elective (scheduled) percutaneous intervention followed by pharmacotherapy in comparison to pharmacotherapy alone is controversial. Currently, PCI seems to be beneficial to patients with ischaemia encompassing more than 10% of the myocardium or with "functional" (i.e. advanced) stenoses with functional flow reserve values <0.80.

Autor: LWojnowski
Oberthema: Medicine
Thema: Pharmacology
Schule / Uni: University Clinical Center
Ort: Mainz
Veröffentlicht: 24.05.2013