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READ THIS FIRST: The basics of telling time in Hebrew.
Clock in Hebrew is שעון, sha-on. Both "hour" and "time" are שעה, sha-ah. "The time" is השעה, ha-sha-ah. "What time is it?" is the same as "What hour is it?" and is מה השעה, ma ha-sha-ah, or literally, "What the hour?"
When time is within 30 minutes after the hour, the answer to this question gives the time as the hour plus minutes, or the hour plus "quarter" or "half".
Hence, for up to 29 minutes after a certain hour (such as 5:01 - 5:29), the format is "the hour א and ב minutes" where "and" is vav - hence
השעה א וב דקות
Therefore 5:03 would be
השעה חמש ושלוש דקות
or ha-sha-ah xamesh v'shalosh dakot. (Note that if it is just 1 minute after, then it is דקה, dakah.)
5:15 would be 5 and a quarter, hence
השעה חמש ורבע
ha-sha-ah xamesh v'reva (reva means quarter).
5:30 would be
השעה חמש וחצי
ha-sha-ah xamesh v'xetsi (xetsi means half).
GO TO THE NEXT CARD for telling time in the 30 minutes BEFORE a certain hour.
When time is within 30 minutes after the hour, the answer to this question gives the time as the hour plus minutes, or the hour plus "quarter" or "half".
Hence, for up to 29 minutes after a certain hour (such as 5:01 - 5:29), the format is "the hour א and ב minutes" where "and" is vav - hence
השעה א וב דקות
Therefore 5:03 would be
השעה חמש ושלוש דקות
or ha-sha-ah xamesh v'shalosh dakot. (Note that if it is just 1 minute after, then it is דקה, dakah.)
5:15 would be 5 and a quarter, hence
השעה חמש ורבע
ha-sha-ah xamesh v'reva (reva means quarter).
5:30 would be
השעה חמש וחצי
ha-sha-ah xamesh v'xetsi (xetsi means half).
GO TO THE NEXT CARD for telling time in the 30 minutes BEFORE a certain hour.
Tags: Behrman, Beth Tikva, Bethtikva, David Bridger, GBK, George, George Koch, Hebrew, Heritage, Magda Winter, Sarese

Autor: George
Oberthema: Hebrew
Thema: Vocabulary
Schule / Uni: Beth Tikva
Veröffentlicht: 19.03.2010