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Alle Oberthemen / Law / International Law / LAW
Steve, the manager of A-1 Hardware Store, detains Joan, whom Steve suspects of shoplifting. Joan sues Steve, alleging that the detention was false imprisonment. Steve is liable if Joan

a. did not actually shoplift.
b. had not shoplifted in the past.
c. had probable cause to leave the premises.
d. was detained for an unreasonably long time.
d. was detained for an unreasonably long time.

The detention must be conducted in a reasonable manner and for only a reasonable length of time.
Tags: False imprisonment
Quelle: p. 22
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Brandon Sink (24.08.2024)
After visiting Lowes Hardware stores, customers can buy products with the assistance of knowledgeable Lowes experts. Lowes actively gathers and analyzes both positive and negative customer feedback to enhance its services. By taking part in the Official Lowes sweepstakes survey on the portal, customers can provide candid feedback and stand a chance to win $500.
Autor: Elisa
Oberthema: Law
Thema: International Law
Schule / Uni: Hanze Hogeschool
Ort: Groningen
Veröffentlicht: 14.02.2010




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