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What is k-NN?
k-NN stands for k nearest neighbors.
It is one of the simplest machine learning algorithm (instanced based learning).
For a new sample look at the k closest samples (use some distance metric like Euclidean).
Assign the new sample to the most frequent occuring class within those k samples.
It is one of the simplest machine learning algorithm (instanced based learning).
For a new sample look at the k closest samples (use some distance metric like Euclidean).
Assign the new sample to the most frequent occuring class within those k samples.
Quelle: CI Teil 1 Lecture 6
Quelle: CI Teil 1 Lecture 6
Autor: Sepp Samuel
Oberthema: Telematik
Thema: Computational Intelligence
Schule / Uni: TU Graz
Veröffentlicht: 02.07.2014