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Alle Oberthemen / Business Economics / Behavior, Managment and Organisation / BMO
You graduated from college two years ago and began working at Hampstead Electronics. You have received good
performance evaluations and a raise. You just found out that a recent college graduate with no experience has been hired
at a higher salary than you are now making.

Which of the following will you probably use to evaluate this situation?

A) equity
B) expectancy
C) goal setting
D) reinforcement
E) self-enhancement
A) equity
Neuer Kommentar
joe9239 (02.11.2022)
It's an introduction for newbies to speedrun and they can get ideas about gaming strategies. The have some amazing stuff and I think you should grab more informative stuff like this.
Autor: Elisa
Oberthema: Business Economics
Thema: Behavior, Managment and Organisation
Schule / Uni: Hanze Hogeschool
Ort: Groningen
Veröffentlicht: 14.02.2010




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