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Alle Oberthemen / English / Vocabulary / vocabulary of real-life
How to write an formal email?
1. Starting:

2. Saying why you're writing:

3. Communication information

4. Talking about information you are sending

5. Asking for something

6. Confirmation details

7. Thanking and offering help

8. Ending
1. Dear Mr., Ms.

2. I'm writing to let you know....
     I'm writing because....
     I'm writing with reference to our telephone call...

3. I'm pleased to inform you that...
     We have completed all stages of the project

4. Please find attached the file you asked for.
5. Could you please send me the information by Friday
    I was wondering whether you could send me ....
    it would be grateful if you would let me know
    We need you to send us this papaerwork this week

6. I'm writing to confirm that the goods will be shipped from  +     + 
    This is just to let you know the next meeting ist scheduled for    +  Monday

7. Thank you in advance.
    Please contact me if you need more information

8. Yours sincerely
    Kind/Best regards
    all the best
Neuer Kommentar
Autor: ChemKai
Oberthema: English
Thema: Vocabulary
Schule / Uni: TU Kaiserslautern
Ort: Kaiserslautern
Veröffentlicht: 21.02.2013




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