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Alle Oberthemen / Hebrew / Adjectives / Adjectives
insurmountable,insuperable irresistible
неодолимый, непреодолимый, непобедимый
insurmountable problem  -неразрешимая проблема
insurmountable difficulties(disadventures)
insuperable hindrance — непреодолимое препятствие
insuperable odds-непреодолимой разногласие
insuperable heroes-непобедимые герои
irresistible grace — неотразимое изящество
irresistible enemy — неодолимый враг
irresistible proof — неопровержимое доказательство
an irresistible impulse to sneeze-неудержимый порыв чихнуть
He had an irresistible desire to hit her(overwhelming, compelling, overpowering, urgent, potent, imperative, compulsive, uncontrollable, overmastering )
The music is irresistible.
seductive, inviting, tempting, enticing, provocative, fascinating, enchanting, captivating, beguiling, alluring, bewitching, ravishing

inescapable, inevitable, unavoidable, sure, certain, fated, destined, inexorable, ineluctable: They feel the case for change is irresistible.

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Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Hebrew
Thema: Adjectives
Veröffentlicht: 19.07.2011




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