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What are the limitations of participant observation?
- May get too involved, 'go native' hard to stand back and objectively observe the group.
- Overt research may influence the behaviour of the group.
- Covert research, the researcher might be put in danger with illegal acts if in a deviant group.
- Not able to replicate the research, lacks reliability. Not able to accurately record them
- Getting in, staying in and getting out of the group - Ethical and Practical problems.
- Not representative because of small groups.
- Hard work, time-consuming & expensive.
- Overt research may influence the behaviour of the group.
- Covert research, the researcher might be put in danger with illegal acts if in a deviant group.
- Not able to replicate the research, lacks reliability. Not able to accurately record them
- Getting in, staying in and getting out of the group - Ethical and Practical problems.
- Not representative because of small groups.
- Hard work, time-consuming & expensive.

Autor: Lex26
Oberthema: Education
Thema: Research Methods & Key Words
Veröffentlicht: 31.05.2010