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Was sind die "broad abilities" des CHC-Modells?
Hierarchisches Modell von Cattell-Horn-Carroll
3 hierarchische Ebenen (Stratum):
- Stratum III: 1 general ability (g-Faktor)
- Stratum II: 10 broad abilities
- Stratum I: über 70 narrow abilities
Die "broad abilities" lauten: (G steht für "general")
3 hierarchische Ebenen (Stratum):
- Stratum III: 1 general ability (g-Faktor)
- Stratum II: 10 broad abilities
- Stratum I: über 70 narrow abilities
Die "broad abilities" lauten: (G steht für "general")
- Crystallized Intelligence (Gc) includes the breadth and depth of a person's acquired knowledge, the ability to communicate one's knowledge, and the ability to reason using previously learned experiences or procedures.
- Fluid Intelligence (Gf) includes the broad ability to reason, form concepts, and solve problems using unfamiliar information or novel procedures.
- Quantitative Reasoning (Gq) is the ability to comprehend quantitative concepts and relationships and to manipulate numerical symbols.
- Reading & Writing Ability (Grw) includes basic reading and writing skills.
- Short‐Term Memory (Gsm) is the ability to apprehend and hold information in immediate awareness and then use it within a few seconds.
- Long‐Term Storage and Retrieval (Glr) is the ability to store information and fluently retrieve it later in the process of thinking.
- Visual Processing (Gv) is the ability to perceive, analyze, synthesize, and think with visual patterns, including the ability to store and recall visual representations.
- Auditory Processing (Ga) is the ability to analyze, synthesize, and discriminate auditory stimuli, including the ability to process and discriminate speech sounds that may be presented under distorted conditions.
- Processing Speed (Gs) is the ability to perform automatic cognitive tasks, particularly when measured under pressure to maintain focused attention.
- Decision/Reaction Time/Speed (Gt) reflect the immediacy with which an individual can react to stimuli or a task (typically measured in seconds or fractions of seconds; not to be confused with Gs, which typically is measured in intervals of 2‐3 minutes).
Tags: Carroll, Cattell, CHC, hierarchisches Modell, Horn, Intelligenzmodelle
Quelle: S66
Quelle: S66
Autor: ZoeSzapary
Oberthema: Differenzielle Psychologie
Thema: Alle Kapitel
Schule / Uni: Universität Wien
Ort: Wien
Veröffentlicht: 11.12.2019