Smart Phones
Description: is a portable mobile device which has computer-like software installed.
Use: In a K-12 setting, the teacher can use a smart phone to check and send emails, search for quick answers and many more. This device allows one to work on-the-go.
Use: In a K-12 setting, the teacher can use a smart phone to check and send emails, search for quick answers and many more. This device allows one to work on-the-go.
Definition: A flat electronic device with a large touch screen interface. This device is great on-the-go as it is versatile and lightweight.
Use: This device can be hooked up to a projector which can be used to present slideshow presentations and other educational material.
Use: This device can be hooked up to a projector which can be used to present slideshow presentations and other educational material.
Definition: A laptop is a portable device, much smaller than a computer, that consists of the same software and programs as a PC. The laptop includes a keyboard, speakers and a screen.
Use: In a K-12 setting, laptops are great for students to conduct research and create word documents and spreadsheets. Teachers also can use this device to store everything they have (slideshow presentations, notes, course curriculum and the daily class lesson plan.
Use: In a K-12 setting, laptops are great for students to conduct research and create word documents and spreadsheets. Teachers also can use this device to store everything they have (slideshow presentations, notes, course curriculum and the daily class lesson plan.
mp3 players
Definition: An mp3 player is a portable device used to play audio files such as ebooks and music.
Use: This device would be a great asset to those teachers in K-12 classrooms who teach a language course. Students can learn with sound by how it would be pronounced.
Use: This device would be a great asset to those teachers in K-12 classrooms who teach a language course. Students can learn with sound by how it would be pronounced.
Definition: An app is short for application that is designed to make things simpler and more effective. For example, a unit conversion app.
Use: In K-12, teachers can use apps that are specially designed to carry out specific functions. These apps can be installed in computers, smart phones, laptops and tablets. There are millions of app with an infinite number of functions it can perform. There are many apps specially designed for an educational tool.
Use: In K-12, teachers can use apps that are specially designed to carry out specific functions. These apps can be installed in computers, smart phones, laptops and tablets. There are millions of app with an infinite number of functions it can perform. There are many apps specially designed for an educational tool.
Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Education
Thema: mlearning
Veröffentlicht: 24.11.2012
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