When a fluid transfers heat energy by a bulk movement of that fluid. What is this called?
What do the horizontal parts of the graph represent? 

Changes of state. E.g from liquid to gas
Metals are better conductors of heat than other solids because they have what?
Free electrons
Heat travels at the speed of light and can travel through a vacuum. What kind of heat transfer is this?
What is the difference between heat and temperature?
Temperature relates to the average speed of the molecules in the material.
Heat relates to the average speed and the mass of the molecules in the material.
Heat relates to the average speed and the mass of the molecules in the material.
What general statement can you say about how heat travels.
Heat energy always travels from hot to cold regions.
How can temperature be measured?
Temperature can be measured in degrees Celsius, degrees Fahrenheit and Kelvin.
0 degrees Kelvin is absolute zero when particles are completely still.
0 degrees Kelvin is absolute zero when particles are completely still.
How can things be made to expand and contract based on temperature?
heating objects generally causes them to expand
Cooling objects generally causes them the shrink
Cooling objects generally causes them the shrink
How do we describe whether a material is good or bad at transferring heat?
Good at transferring heat = Good conductors or bad insulator of heat
Bad at transferring heat = Bad conductors or good insulators of heat
Bad at transferring heat = Bad conductors or good insulators of heat

Autor: Kamal
Oberthema: Physics
Thema: 8I heating and cooling
Schule / Uni: KNES
Ort: kuwait
Veröffentlicht: 17.12.2009
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