The Scientific Revolution
The major cause of the change in worldview and one of the key developments in the evolution of Western society.
The Enlightenment
A world-view that has shaped the modern mind. The three central concepts of the Enlightenment were the use of reason, the scientific method, and progress.
Cartesion Dualism
Descartes view of the world as consisting two fundamental entities of matter and mind.
The theory of inductive reasoning where you should go beyond speculation and begin to compare and analyse the subject.
Nothing was to be accepted on faith. Everything was to be submitted to the rational, critical, scientific way of thinking.
Tabula Rasa
A term created by John Locke that believes the human mind is born as a blank slate, tabula rasa, that begins to fill as they experience life and understand what their beliefs are.
Aristotelian medieval ideas
European ideas about the universe prior to the Scientific Revolution were based on these ideas. They believe in a motionless earth as the center of the universe and that ten crystal spheres moved around our world. It fit their religion of Christianity because it placed humans at the center of the universe that God created for them.
The Copernican Hypothesis
The idea that the sun was the center of the universe. This was a huge shock to the West and had enormous scientific and religious implications. It created doubts about traditional Christianity.
He set the stage for the modern study of astronomy by building the first observatory and collecting data.
He discovered the laws of motion! He is known for establishing the experimental method by conducting controlled experiments. Galileo also formulated the law of inertia that states an object will stay in motion unless stopped by some external force.
Newton's Synthesis
Applies mathematical laws to explain motion and mechanics. He became known for his law of universal gravitation.

Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Social Studies
Thema: AP European History
Veröffentlicht: 27.01.2012
Tags: Sims
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