Why study the French and Indian War with the Declaration of Independence?
The war caused the British Parliment to see the need to tax the British colonies in America. Unfortunetly, Parliment thought they had the right to do it without the consent of the American colonist.
According to the Declaration of Independence, how did King George III excite insurrection in the colonies?
He had his emisscaries encourage Indian tribes to attack frontier homesteads.
What did the British navy do to colonists they captured on the high seas?
The colonists were conscripted into the navy to bear arms against America, if they refused they were exacuted.
Did King George III transport large numbers of mercenaries to occupy the colonies in order to haress the colonist and enforce his rule?
According to the Declaration of Independence, he did transport mercenaries to the colonies.
What name did the Articles of Confederation give to the American states.
The United States of America
Which article of the Article of Confederation caused one of the biggest problems that the new Confederation would face?
Article 8 which stated that expenditures of the United States would be paid by funds raised by the state legislatures and approtioned to the states according to real property values. This article caused so many problems because states would simply keep the money not give it to the Congress.
What is the "Right of the People", according to the Declaration of Independence, to do when their government can no longer protect their rights?
The people have the right to abolish the laws and to institute a new Gorvernment to ensure their future.
What did King George III do to Repersentive Houses in the colonies?
He had them dissolved for opposing his new laws and rulings.
King George III refused to pass laws to accomindate large populations of colonist until they gave up what right?
The right of Repersentation which made him into a tyrant.
How did King George III discourage migration to America?
He raised the requirements for approperating land and refused to pass laws that would encourage migration.
How did King George III obstruct Administration of Justice in the colonies?
He refused to agree to Laws that would establish Judiciary Powers in the colonies.
Why were the judges in the colonies considered ineffective or maybe even corrupt by the colonist?
King George III made them dependent on him alone for their tenure and salaries.
Why were the colonist against having the British army in the colonies?
The army was present without their consent of their legislatures during a time of peace. The army was quartered by the colonists and the army was made independent and superior to civil law. The soldiers were also being protected with mock trials from prosecution of murder.
What was the amazing feat the colonial army accomplished that impressed General Howe enough to have him evacuate Boston?
The colonist were able to build fortifications in one night on Dorchester Heights. General Howe was amazed at all the work they had done in just one night.
They were Continental soldiers or militialmen. They were called minutemen because they were expected to be ready to fight on a minutes notice.
What was the name of the song that Ben Franklin wrote mocking Great Britian?
Mother Country
Did King George III tax the colonist without their consent and prohibit them from trading with other nations?
Yes, he did both actions.
According to the Articles of Confederation what types of peolpe were not allowed to travel freely among the states of the new nation?
Everyone else was given freedom to move among the states except, "paupers, vagabonds, and fugitives from justice."
According to the Articles of Confederation how many votes were given to each delegate of the Congress of the Confederation and how many delegates were there for each state?
Each state was given one vote and states could elect between one to seven delegates in their state legislatures to repersent them in the Congress.
In the Articles of Confederation were the states allowed to conduct foreign political or commerical relations or declare war?
The central government could only conduct foreign political or commercial relations or declare war?
According to the Articles of Confederation, the States were required to keep what for protection?
Each State was required to keep a well trained and equipped militia with a public store of tents, arms, and ammunition and camp equipment for the men to draw from when needed.
In the Articles of Confederation, what province is mentioned and why?
Quebec would be allowed to join the American states if they decided to succeeded from Great Britian.
What did the Indemnity Act of 1767 do for the East Indian Trading company?
The act reduced the taxes on the East Indian Trading company when they imported to to England. This allowed them to import tea to the coloniest cheaply. Reducing the price of the tea for the colonist.
Founding Fathers
Men who were statesmen and politicians who partisipated in the American Revolution by signing the Declaration of Independence and partisipating the American Revolution war.
are legal, ethical, and social principles of entitlement or freedom that are allowed to people according to some legal system, ethical theory, or social convention.
charge or other levy imposed upon a taxpayer (an individual or legal entity) by a state or the functional equivalent of a state such that failure to pay is punishable by law. Taxes are also imposed by many administrative divisions. Taxes consist of direct or indirect taxes and may be paid in money or as its labour equivalent.
is the codition of a state, county or nation in which its population exerises some form of self-government and soverienty over the territory.
According to the Declaration of Independence, what did the British authorities do to the colonist who went on trial?
They were denined Trial by Jury and in some cases sent over seas to be tried for false offences.
What were some of the grievances that Thomas Jefferson listed against King George III?

What are some of the problems with the Articles of Confederation?
No president, no national courts, no way to fund the national government because the government could not tax peolpe, unable to protect manufacturing and shipping, unable to insure that the individual states would agree to treaties, unable to protect frontier population, and unable to gain navigation laws so ports acted on their own acord(for example, some were open to British trade and some were not)
How did women help the boycotts in the colonies be so successful?
They would make their own cloth and dye it, and they collected plants to make their own tea. They would even use scraps of material to make blankets.
What happened at Lexington on April 1775?
500 hundred British soldiers were met in Lexington by 70 minutemen. British soldiers shot dead 10 militamen.
Why did the minutemen in Concord decide to cross the North Bridge and fight the British Army that out numbered them?
The minutemen thought that the British soldiers had started to burn houses down in Concord.
Where did the second Continental Congress take place?

When were the Boston militiamen accepted into the Continental Congress?
June 14, 1775
Who were the colonial military leaders that lead the capture of Fort Ticonderoga?
Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold
How did the artilary of Fort Ticonderoga end up helping the colonist in the Revolutionary War?
British Evaculated Boston on March 1776, because of the superior weapons the colonist transported to Boston from Fort Ticonderoga.
What happened at the Battle of Bunker Hill?
Patriots built walls on Breed’s Hill
British forces landed and advanced towards Breed’s Hill
British attacked three times to take hills
British lost a thousand men Americans 500
British forces landed and advanced towards Breed’s Hill
British attacked three times to take hills
British lost a thousand men Americans 500
What were the reasons that Thomas Paine gave for breaking from British rule?
Trade practices were hurting the colonists, England was 3,000 miles away, and the colonist had the right to govern themselves
What happened in Norfolk, Virginia in of January 1776?
British warship retalilated against the town and burned it down.
Why did the American forces have to abandon their attack on British forces in Canada?
June 1776 American forces in Canada were forced to retreat in total disorder with smallpox, dysentery, and malaria.
Who was on the committee to draft the Declaration of Independence?
John Adams of MA
Thomas Jefferson of VA
Roger Sherman of CN
Robert Livingston of NY
Benjamin Franklin of PA
Thomas Jefferson of VA
Roger Sherman of CN
Robert Livingston of NY
Benjamin Franklin of PA
What were the various restrictions that the Intolerable Acts set into action?
Military Rule
Town meetings cancelled
Local officials taken out and appointed by military put in
Americans accused of certain crimes shipped to England for trial
The Boston harbor would be closed until England was reimbursed for the tea
Town meetings cancelled
Local officials taken out and appointed by military put in
Americans accused of certain crimes shipped to England for trial
The Boston harbor would be closed until England was reimbursed for the tea
List some of the particulars of the First Continential Congress.
Virginia House of Burgesses
Committees of Correspondence
September 5, 1774 meet at Carpenter’s Hall in Philadelphia
55 delegates from 12 of the 13 colonies
Continental Association petition English Parliament to repeal sections apposed against Boston
Committees of Correspondence
September 5, 1774 meet at Carpenter’s Hall in Philadelphia
55 delegates from 12 of the 13 colonies
Continental Association petition English Parliament to repeal sections apposed against Boston
Who were the Toris/Loyalists and the Patriots/Whigs?
Toris/ Loyalist- men and women who wanted to remain loyal to King George III.
Patriots/Whigs- radicals who wanted to break from Britian and become a new nation
Patriots/Whigs- radicals who wanted to break from Britian and become a new nation
Who was Patrick Henry?

What are the main points of the Boston Massacre?

-4 hundred colonist haressing
-8 British Soldiers
- the soldiers were guarding theCustom House
- the colonist were throwing insults, rocks, oyster shells, and ice
- John Adams repersented the soldiers
What is Paul Revere's act during the American Revolution that he is most famous for?

What was the Stamp Act?
Passed in 1764 by Parliament
Had to be purchased and affix to documents
Newspapers, marriage licenses, contracts, diplomas, calendars, advertisements, and playing cards
1767 Indemnity Act.
Had to be purchased and affix to documents
Newspapers, marriage licenses, contracts, diplomas, calendars, advertisements, and playing cards
1767 Indemnity Act.
Who was James Otis?
He is k now for his famous quote " Taxation without repersentation is tyranny."
Who is Ben Franklin and what contibution did he make to the Declaration of Independence?
He was a multi talented man who was a diplomate, news paper owner, even Royal Post Master General. He was appointed to the committee that was responsible for he drafting the Declaration of Independence.
Outline what happened during the Boston Tea Party?

Dartmouth, Beaver, and Eleanor entered Griffin’s Wharf
342 chests of tea combined
Sons of Liberty dressed as Mohawk Indians throw the tea into the harbor
What role did the East Indian Trading Company play?

Autor: vmccorm4
Oberthema: History
Thema: Declaration of Independence
Veröffentlicht: 19.03.2013
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