What does Flemings left hand rule tell you about?

It tells you about the motor effect. E.g which way a current carrying wire will move when inside a magnetic field.
on the picture:
"M" tells you which way the wire will move
"F" is the direction the field points
"C" is the direction the current flows (conventional current)
Describe the three pins on a transistor.
Transistors are composed of three parts – a base, a collector, and an emitter. The base is the gate controller device for the larger electrical supply. The collector is the larger electrical supply, and the emitter is the outlet for that supply.
Describe the three pins on a transistor.
Transistors are composed of three parts – a base, a collector, and an emitter. The base is the gate controller device for the larger electrical supply. The collector is the larger electrical supply, and the emitter is the outlet for that supply.
How is current defined?
Number of coulombs of electrical charge passing a point every second.
I = Q/t
I = Q/t
How is voltage defined?
Number of joules per Coulomb of charge
Voltage = joules/coulombs
Voltage = joules/coulombs
Define E.M.F:
Electromotive force is the number of joules of chemical energy transferred to electrical energy for each coulomb of charge that passes through a battery or cell.
CIE definition
CIE definition
How do you remember the field around a current carrying wire?

The direction the screw is pointing is the direction the current flows, the direction you have to turn the screw is the direction the field is turning.
How do you remember the field around a current carrying coil of wire?

What does fleming's right hand tell you?

on the picture:
"M" tells you which way the wire will move
"F" is the direction the field points
"C" is the direction the current flows (conventional current)

Autor: Kamal
Oberthema: Physics
Thema: Electricity and Magnetism
Schule / Uni: KNES
Ort: Kuwait
Veröffentlicht: 17.12.2009
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