What is Twitter?
Twitter is a real-time information network that connects you to the latest information about what you find interesting.

Quelle: http://twitter.com/about
Quelle: http://twitter.com/about
What is a tweet?
At the heart of Twitter are small bursts of information called Tweets. Each Tweet is 140 characters in length.
Quelle: http://twitter.com/about
Quelle: http://twitter.com/about
Can I really get a lot said in 140 characters?
Don’t let the small size fool you—you can share a lot with a little space. Connected to each Tweet is a rich details pane that provides additional information, deeper context and embedded media. You can tell your story within your Tweet, or you can think of a Tweet as the headline, and use the details pane to tell the rest with photos, videos and other media content.
Quelle: http://twitter.com/about
Quelle: http://twitter.com/about
How do I sign up for Twitter?
Signing up is easy. All you need to use is an email. Head to: https://twitter.com/signup to signup.
Quelle: https://twitter.com/signup
Quelle: https://twitter.com/signup
Now that I've signed up, how many other people are on Twitter?
As of September 14th, Twitter has 175 million registered users.
95M tweets are written per day.
95M tweets are written per day.
Quelle: http://twitter.com/about
Quelle: http://twitter.com/about
As a teacher, why do I need to listen to 175 million people babble about the smallest details in their lives?
Actually, you can choose who to follow. There are tons of professional development options to follow. Not to mention numerous teachers, just like you, as well.
How do I find useful organizations/people to follow?
1) Twitter has a search function to help you on your journey.
2) Also, you can use the pound sign, #, and then your topic of choice to find different people tweeting about your topic. Example: #chemistry
3)On your Twitter home page, on the right side, Twitter compiles a list of "Who to follow" based on various criteria
4) Here is a listing of numerous teachers, organized by subject for you to search as well.
2) Also, you can use the pound sign, #, and then your topic of choice to find different people tweeting about your topic. Example: #chemistry
3)On your Twitter home page, on the right side, Twitter compiles a list of "Who to follow" based on various criteria
4) Here is a listing of numerous teachers, organized by subject for you to search as well.
How do I follow people/organizations?
When you click on their name, their Twitter page opens, and then you can click the "Follow" button on their page to begin receiving their tweets.

Autor: mrshultz
Oberthema: Social Media
Thema: Twitter
Schule / Uni: Lesley University
Ort: Cambridge
Veröffentlicht: 21.11.2010
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