I have four hooves. I have long tail and mane. I can run very fast. You can ride on my back. Who am I?
I am a horse.
I have four hooves. I have horns. I eat greens, weeds and twigs. I give milk, but I am not a cow. Who am I?
I am a goat.
I have four short legs. I am pink, brown or white. My tail is short and curly. I eat plants and other animals. Who am I?
I am a pig.
I have four legs. I have fluffy fleece. I give wool from my fleece. I eat grass and other plants. Who am I?
I am a sheep.
I have wings. I can fly and swim. I have a long neck. I like to eat grass. Who am I?
I am a goose.
I have two wings. I lay eggs in my nest. I can't fly. I like to eat greens, worms and grains. Who am I?
I am a hen.
I have two legs. I have wings. I can fly and swim. I like to eat water plants, snails and worms. Who am I?
I am a duck.

Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Nature
Thema: Farm animals
Veröffentlicht: 14.08.2023
Tags: Farm animals
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