Collection points where the Portuguese traded with the inside of Africa and then traded with the outer of the coast to the inside too.
Nzinga Mvemba
A ruler who had the help of the Portugual advisors/missionaries to bring a kingdom of Christianity.
A factory from the Portuguese that was established in 1520's and became the basis for them.
Royal African Company
Chattered to established a monopoly over teh the slave of the British traders that supplied African slaves to Jamaica, Virginia, and Barados.
Indies piece
A spanish developrd a system in which a man who is healthy was called indies peaice and kids as well as women were priced the same value.
Triangular trade
A trade in which slaves were send to the Americas then sugar, tobacco, etc. were send to Europe, and Europe products were send to Africa.
"Chattel Slavery"
Chattel Slavery is a system of in which salves are property of other s
A kingdom that was it height of power untilt the Eurpoeans came. The origins are traced to the city of Ife and Yoruba people who were also their neighbors. The kingdom came seperated from the others and had a well developed poltical and artistic tradtion.
A kingdom, developed among the Fon people and began to develope its power in the 17th century by the 1720 its power had allowed brutal regimes on slave trade.
Patsoral people from western Suduan and adopted Sufi variant from Islama and established a state centered on Sokoto.
Usuman (Uthman) Dan Fodio
Muslim Fulani scholar began to preach for the reformist of ideology in Hausa kingdom and lead to revolution in 1804 leading as God's instrument.
Afrikaners are people who setteled in by Cape Colony that had about 17,000 settelers
Great Trek
After the British abolished slavery a group far in the north across the Orange River and into Natal that was only inhahbited by Africans.
Shaka (Zulu)
A military tactician that reformed loose forces into organized lineage and by age.
Swazi and Lesotho
Swazi was a new African state that adopted aspects of the Zulu model, Lesotho was a state that resisted to Zulu model.
Middle Passage
Slave voage from Africa to the Americas but failed to change Africans from their culture.
Obeah was a name giving to those who praticed Africans religious and the name was given inthe English islands.
People who were known as Boers that moved up to the north that then moved to lands that were occupied by Nguni.
Zulu Wars
Wars that were taken place 1870 war was between the Europeans, Zulu power was crashed by Great Britian
Indies piece
A spanish developrd a system in which a man who is healthy was called indies peaice and kids as well as women were priced the same value.

Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: History
Thema: Africa Period 4
Veröffentlicht: 07.12.2011
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