Infrared light
a type of electromagnetic wave with a wavelength between 1mm and 700 nm
describes the variation in the refractive indices of different colors of light
Electromagnetic Wave
a wave of oscillating electric and magnetic fields that moves at the speed of light
Electromagnetic Spectrum
the entire range of electromagnetic waves, including all possible frequencies
Radio Wave
the lowest frequency of electromagnetic waves with a wavelength greater than tens of centimeters
Ray diagram
a diagram that uses lines and arrows to show how light rays travel through and optical system
high frequency waves that are used extensively in medical and manufacturing applications
Describes a material that allows light to pass through things with little or no scattering
law of reflection
when light ray reflects off a surface, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection
electromagnetic waves with a wavelength shorter than visible light but longer than X rays; can't be seen by the human eye
Index of Refraction
a ratio that gives a measure of a materials ability to bend light
Gamma Ray
electromagnetic waves with wavelengths less that 0.001 nm; high energy photons emitted spontaneously in nuclear reactions
Understand how light is affected by matter
If something is in the way of light, light refracts
Learn the relationship among the frequency, energy and wavelength of light
frequency and light use each other for light waves
Identify the different kinds of electromagnetic waves
microwaves, ultraviolet waves, visible light
learn how the speed of light changes in different materials
It speeds up in water and slows down in air

Autor: cutiepie1842
Oberthema: Science
Thema: Light
Veröffentlicht: 27.05.2010
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