a lack of something necessary for one's health
example: your body has a calcium deficiency
example: your body has a calcium deficiency
a medical condition or physical feature that is passed on in the family
example: Down's Syndrome is a genetic condition
example: Down's Syndrome is a genetic condition
a ball of tissue that grows bigger than normal, either on or under the skin
example: "Doctor, I'm not sure what it is, but I feel a growth under my arm"
example: "Doctor, I'm not sure what it is, but I feel a growth under my arm"
quick to become severe or bad
example: When you press my stomach, I feel acute pain
example: When you press my stomach, I feel acute pain
Amputate (v) - permanently remove a limb
Amputation (n) - permanently remove a limb
Amputation (n) - permanently remove a limb
medication that helps relieve anxiety and depression
example: bai you jie (prozac)
example: bai you jie (prozac)
a condition that causes a blockage of the airway and makes it difficult for a person to breathe
Caesarean section, C-section
procedure that involves removing a baby from its mother through an incision in the woman's lower abdomen
illness (n), ill (adj)
general term for any condition that makes a person feel sick for a certain period of time
unclear, cannot give an answer
example: we tested her for cancer, but the blood tests were inconclusive
example: we tested her for cancer, but the blood tests were inconclusive
expected to grow and get much worse (especially related to cancerous cells)
the exact type and amount of medicine to cure or relieve an illness or condition
residency (program), resident (person
part of a doctor's training that takes place in the hospital;
a student working under a doctor
a student working under a doctor
routine check-up
a doctor's appointment to check a person's general health
ex: mary will go to see a doctor, but just for a routine check-up
ex: mary will go to see a doctor, but just for a routine check-up
sudden violent movements or unconsciousness caused by electrical signal malfunction in the brain
an injury (less serious than a break) to a joint (ankle, wrist, knee etc)
ex: I sprained my ankle when it twisted sideways
ex: I sprained my ankle when it twisted sideways
umbilical cord
the lifeline from the mother to the fetus (when cut at birth this forms the belly button)
visiting hours
time of day when friends and family are allowed to visit patients in hospital
an irritation or infection that makes the skin rise: "After the wasp stung her, she had a swelling on her leg for days."

Autor: lucylyqian
Oberthema: Medicine
Thema: Medical Terminology
Veröffentlicht: 17.03.2010
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