What are Internet protocols?
Internet protocols are rules that help in governing an operation on the internet and communications over it.
What is IP in TCP/IP?
Internet Protocol. Ensures correct delivery of packets from client to
What is SMTP?
Standard mail transport protocol. The De facto standard for e-mail transmissions across the Internet
What is POP?
POP3 server maintains e-mail boxes for storage of messages until they are downloaded.
What is IMAP?
Internet Mail Access Protocol (IMAP) – Mail remains on server unless deleted.
What is the purpose of HTTP and HTTPS?
Formatting requests and responses between clients and servers.
What is HTTP?
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Communicates between client and server.
What is HTTPS?
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). Same function as HTTP but more secure.
What is DNS and what its purpose?
A URL must be translated into IP address when used to route packets through the Internet. The translation is the work of DNS (Domain Name Service).

Autor: afelea
Oberthema: Informatics
Thema: General
Veröffentlicht: 28.02.2010
Tags: IT
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