to make sb accept the same opinions, wishes etc. as your own; e.g. "They just ... their rules on us!"
to impose sth on someone
to announce something officially that was previously a secret; to remove the cover from something; e.g. “The merger was ... on Monday.”
to unveil (unveiled, unveiled)
the act of taking control of a company by buying at least 50 % of its shares
Verb: to acquire; to make an acquisition
Verb: to acquire; to make an acquisition
the sale of shares in a company for the first time, synonym: an IPO (initial public offering); “The company’s ... made the owners incredibly rich.”
verb: to float
verb: to float
two companies cooperating for a limited period of time; e.g. "They set up a ... ... "
joint venture
A company that tries to take control of other companies; e.g. “They were attacked by a ....”
a predator
an extra payment added to the basic rate; e.g. "Our customers are prepared to pay a ... ."
a premium
the act of taking control of a company by buying at least 50 % of its shares
a takeover
ver: to take a company over (NOTE: to overtake = überholen)
ver: to take a company over (NOTE: to overtake = überholen)
Sorgfaltspflicht, verkehrsübliche Sorgfalt, Kaufprüfung
due diligence
verb: to do due diligence
verb: to do due diligence
without enough money, people etc. to operate effectively; “I’m afraid we’re ... !”
weak and easily hurt; e.g. "Children are often especially ... in conflict situations."
a person or a company which invests money in another company to prevent it from being sold to a larger organization
a white knight
to make a deal, to sign a deal, close a deal, to ... a deal
to strike (struck, struck)
delay, move to a later time: “Can we put the meeting ... to Friday?”
to put something back to
delay, move to a later time: “Can we put the meeting ... ... Friday?” (an alternative to "back to")
to put something off until
Autor: EstherRobinson
Oberthema: English
Thema: Mergers and Acquisitions
Veröffentlicht: 12.12.2011
Tags: ENGLb
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