6 traits; The editing of writing; proper grammar, spelling, capital letters.
6 traits; The pieces of writing are in their places, such as title, indented paragraphs, introduction, and conclusion.
Sentence Fluency
6 traits; Smoothly flowing sentence; no run-ons or choppy sentences; sentences are a good mix of different lengths (short, medium, long) and begin with different words.
6 traits; The writers’ personality showing in their writing; Not boring; Fun to read.
Word Choice
6 traits; Choosing descriptive, accurate words; Strong
nouns and verbs; adjectives.
nouns and verbs; adjectives.
“Extra trait”; The way a
piece of writing looks; No wrinkles, neat handwriting.
piece of writing looks; No wrinkles, neat handwriting.
Autor: rhosemann
Oberthema: Language Arts
Thema: Vocabulary
Schule / Uni: De Soto Middle School
Ort: De Soto, WI, USA
Veröffentlicht: 17.09.2010
Tags: Middle School Vocabulary
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