How do you create websites?
You can create a website in Google sites or enter codes into an html.
What are new 21st Century websites we learned?
Prezi, Toondoo, Glogster, Domo animate, Museum Box, Wordle, Voki, Tagxedo and many more.
What are some shortcuts?
The shortcuts make things easier and faster. Instead of going to copy something you can just press Ctrl+C
How do you make a video on the computer/
To make a video on the computer you can go to Jing.
What is AUP?
It is the Acceptable Use Policy. It tells use what we can do on the computer and what we can't do.
What do the drives each do?
The h drive is my drive. The k drive is the teachers drive. The i drive is programs not from computer. The c drive is the hard drive.
What is the 30 day challenge?
The 30 day challenge is where you give up or try something new for 30 days.
What are buttons on the mouse?
The left click button selects something. The left click twice opens something. The right click opens a menu.The scroll button lets you scroll up and down pages.

Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Tech Apps
Thema: Summary
Veröffentlicht: 14.05.2012
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