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How to Write Persuasive Essays
Choosing a topic
Before writing a persuasive essay, it's important to choose a topic that will engage your audience and capture your attention. Ideally, you should pick a topic that you're passionate about, one that you have researched and have personal experience in. If you're unsure of what to write about, brainstorm with your classmates. They can help you come up with a range of ideas. When selecting a topic, try to select something controversial, but avoid topics that have already been written about.

Once you've narrowed down the topic, decide on which side you want to argue. Persuasive essays can be written on a variety of topics, but some topics are easier to write than others. For instance, you can argue against the idea of music therapy, or for the legalization of abortion.

Once you've chosen a topic, you'll need to research it thoroughly to support your arguments. While the first step in writing a persuasive essay is to brainstorm ideas, the second step is to make an outline of your essay. Your outline should include a thesis statement and five paragraphs.

There are a range of topics you can choose from, ranging from political and social issues to science and technology. You'll want to make sure you choose a topic that will engage the reader and make them think. You'll want to choose a topic that reflects your own personal views, as well as the opinions of other people.
Tags: education, essay, writing
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Flashcard info:
Author: billyroberts
Main topic: education
Topic: essay writing
City: las vegas
Published: 25.08.2022




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