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All main topics / Medicine / Anatomy / Anatomy 7, 8
the primary auditory cortex is located at the superior part of the temporal gyros within the lateral firssure. it is marked by a transerve temporal gyri. for what is it responsible?
which fibres does it receive?
-conscious perception of sound, different wavelengths of which are
perceived tonotopically within the cochlear duct. The primary auditory
- afferent fibres from the thalamus (the medial geniculate nucleus), which in turn receives ascending acoustic fibres that have undergone partial decussation (crossing-over) in the brainstem. This
means that acoustic sensation from both ears is represented in each primary auditory cortex,
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Flashcard info:
Author: Schnuschnax
Main topic: Medicine
Topic: Anatomy
Published: 17.02.2010




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