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Welche wichtige Fachgesellschaften der Sozialpsychologie gibt es?
DGPs = Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie
EASP = European Association of Social Psychology (früher EAESP)
SPSP = Society for Personality and Social Psychology
SESP = Society of Experimental Social Psychology
SPSSI = Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
EASP = European Association of Social Psychology (früher EAESP)
SPSP = Society for Personality and Social Psychology
SESP = Society of Experimental Social Psychology
SPSSI = Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
Tags: Fachgesellschaften, Sozialpsychologie
Source: Hagener Fernuni B.Sc. Psychologie Kurs 3400
Source: Hagener Fernuni B.Sc. Psychologie Kurs 3400

Flashcard info:
Author: Zsuzsanna
Main topic: Psychologie
School / Univ.: Fernuni
City: Hagen
Published: 16.12.2011