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All main topics / Medicine / Anatomy / Anatomy 4 and 5
list the three common injuries of the hand
Sprained wrist: t occurs after a fall on an outstretched hand stretches or tears theligaments of the wrist. A wrist strain or sprain will cause pain, tenderness, and swelling around
the wrist after a fall. It will be red, tender and warm to the touch. There may be bruising, decreased range of motion, and a dull deep ache in the wrist.
Tendonitis:  of wrist is an irritation and swelling of the tissue or 'tunnel' which surrounds the tendons of the wrist. Pain in the front of the wrist is a common symptom of tendonitis. Bending and
extending the wrist is usually painful and there may be swelling in the wrist. If the hand is made into a fist with the thumb tucked inside and the pain gets worse, the diagnosis is likely to be tendonitis. can be caused by biomechanical problems, injury to the arm, overuse,
Scaphoid fracturemost commonly fractured carpal bone. A fall on an outstretched arm often results in a fracture of the scaphoid bone in the wrist. This complex bone has limited blood supply from a small vessel that enters the most distal part of the bone and flows back through the bone to supply it.
The blood supply to the scaphoid can be easily disrupted by a fracture; Scaphoid fractures may heal  slowly or not at all
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Flashcard info:
Author: Schnuschnax
Main topic: Medicine
Topic: Anatomy
Published: 08.02.2010




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