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All main topics / Informatik / Computergrafik / Schwerpunktkolloquium: Basic Techniques, Geometry Processing, Global Illumination
After two mesh patches have been registered (e.g. using ICP), how are they integrated? Explain the two main approaches!
Given: Two aligned patches and with some overlap.

Remove overlap: Shoot rays from vertices of in normal direction. Remove triangles of which are hit. Then, do the same thing the other way around.

Merge: Walk along the two new patch boundaries and insert triangles to connect them.

Problem: This approach throws away a significant amount of detail information near the overlap region.

Move the boundary vertices of patch along their normals so they lie on .
Insert boundary vertices of patch into by splitting triangles.
Insert the boundary edges of patch into by splitting edges.
Remove the overlapping part of patch .
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Flashcard info:
Author: janisborn
Main topic: Informatik
Topic: Computergrafik
School / Univ.: RWTH Aachen
City: Aachen
Published: 18.05.2022




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