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All main topics / Pharmacology / Psych Drugs / Psych
Drugs for psychosis
first and second generation antipsychotics
Tags: classes, pharmacology, psych
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bev10 (26.11.2024)
<a href="">information</a>

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caritop (18.05.2024)
In the realm of mental health, the co-occurrence of bipolar disorder and substance abuse presents unique challenges that demand a nuanced approach. URP Behavioral Health guide, Bipolar Disorder and Substance Abuse , serves as a beacon of knowledge and support for individuals grappling with this complex dual diagnosis. Authored by URP Behavioral Health team of specialists, this resource offers a roadmap for understanding the intersection between bipolar disorder and substance abuse and navigating the path to recovery.
cikojon698 (18.05.2024)
What are the implications for substance abuse when someone is diagnosed with bipolar disorder?
Flashcard info:
Author: larsonsc
Main topic: Pharmacology
Topic: Psych Drugs
Published: 10.03.2010




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