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All main topics / History / Mysteries of Ancient Maya / Mysteries of the Ancient Maya Midterm 1
When do we see the first Mayan Ceramics and what were their phases of development?
We first see Mayan Ceramics in the Early Preclassic.

In the Barra Phase (1800 BC) The ceramics were very complex and were highly decorated and refined. Predominantly Tecomate ("neckless vessel").

In the Locona Phase (1700-1500BC) we see even more elaborate forms, including the introduction of legged vessels.

Ceramics appear to have been developed elsewhere then introduced. It is unclear as to where exactly they came from.
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Flashcard info:
Author: fooboozlie
Main topic: History
Topic: Mysteries of Ancient Maya
School / Univ.: UC Riverside
City: Riverside
Published: 15.08.2012




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