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Soziale Bewegung
Soziale Bewegung: Eine große Anzahl von Personen, die sich selbst als Gruppe definieren und von anderen so definiert werden. Ziel sozialer Bewegungen ist es, ein gemeinsames soziales oder politisches Problem zu lösen. Dabei setzen sie unterschiedliche Formen des politischen Protests ein.
soziale Gruppe, deren Ziel es ist, gemeinschaftlich einen sozialen Wandel herbeizuführen
„effort[s] by a large number of people, who define them-selves, and are also often so defined by others, as a group, to solve col-lectively a problem they feel they have in common, and which is perceived to arise from their relations with other groups”
soziale Gruppe, deren Ziel es ist, gemeinschaftlich einen sozialen Wandel herbeizuführen
„effort[s] by a large number of people, who define them-selves, and are also often so defined by others, as a group, to solve col-lectively a problem they feel they have in common, and which is perceived to arise from their relations with other groups”

Flashcard info:
Author: Lise Langstrumpf
Main topic: Psycholgie
Topic: Sozialpsychologie 03407
School / Univ.: FU Hagen
Published: 13.12.2014