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All main topics / Helmet Gurus / Top Issues You Might Have with the Best Modular Motorcycle Helmet / Helmet Gurus
What Are the Advantages of a Modular Motorcycle Helmet?
A flip-up helmet can work as a full-face and open-face hood. That versatility gives it plenty of advantages:

Wide Viewing Area

When you flip up the visor, a modular helmet provides a wider viewing area than before. The broad view eliminates the claustrophobia feeling and better view of sceneries.

Convenience of Accessing Your Face

Raising the chin bar gives you direct access to your face and mouth. The open face is beneficial because:
Makes it possible to engage in face-to-face talk
Drinking or eating a snack is simple
Allows you to release build-up heat in the helmet

Easy Switching From Full-Face to Open-Face

The best modular motorcycle helmet permits easy switching from open to full-face mode in seconds. Therefore, it allows you to adapt from one mode to the next as your riding style dictates.
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Flashcard info:
Author: helmetgurus
Main topic: Helmet Gurus
Topic: Top Issues You Might Have with the Best Modular Motorcycle Helmet
School / Univ.: Helmet Gurus
City: New York, NY, USA
Published: 22.08.2024




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