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All main topics / Health and Safety / Health and Safety, Production Management / MIA Health and Safety
Precautions when shooting outdoors or on location.

Give the reasons for the precaution.

What might happen if this Health and Safety rule is not followed?

10: If you are planning anything which a passerby might mistake for a criminal action (e.g a simulated burglary or act of violence) it is important that you inform your local police station ahead of your shoot. You should also inform anyone in the vicinity of our shoot.
Answer 10:

This will minimise the likelihood of disruption to your film shoot

and will also minimise the potential for public alarm.
Tags: Health and Safety
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Flashcard info:
Author: rovareid
Main topic: Health and Safety
Topic: Health and Safety, Production Management
City: Belfast
Published: 18.04.2016




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