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1 sagittal suture
2 parietal bone
3 sqamous part of occipital bone
4 occipital mastoid stuture
5 superior nuchal line
6 inion
7 external occipital crest
8 inferior nuchal line
9 mastoid process
10 mastoid notch
11 external occipital protuberance
12 lambdoid suture
13 patietal bone
14 suture bone
2 parietal bone
3 sqamous part of occipital bone
4 occipital mastoid stuture
5 superior nuchal line
6 inion
7 external occipital crest
8 inferior nuchal line
9 mastoid process
10 mastoid notch
11 external occipital protuberance
12 lambdoid suture
13 patietal bone
14 suture bone