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MD.4 Erkläre die folgenden E-Biz Begriffe (1/2):
B2B, B2C, C2C, B2E, B2A, A2A, M2M
B2B, B2C, C2C, B2E, B2A, A2A, M2M
- B2B = Business to Business
- B2C = Business to Consumer
- C2C = Consumer to Consumer
- B2E = Business to Employee (Angebote im Intranet)
- B2A = Business to Administration (Unternehmen / Behörden)
- A2A = Administration to Administration
- M2M = Machine 2 Machine (Automatisierter Austausch von Endgeräten, Internet of things)
Tags: Online-Marketing
Source: MD
Source: MD

Flashcard info:
Author: luniaq
Main topic: Marketing
Topic: Marketing Grundlagen
Published: 14.01.2018