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All main topics / History / Mysteries of Ancient Maya / Mysteries of the Ancient Maya Midterm 1
What is the most important stela in Mayan history? What does it depict and why is it important?
Stela 31 in Tikal. It depicts Sihyaj Chan K'awill in very Mayan garb, being anointed ruler by Yax Nuun Ahiin. The backside gives a very detailed account of the actions, and speaks of a respect for the Maya.

It speaks of the gods as being "half diminished" and that the new leaders must be the caretakers of the gods.

Refers to 28 provinces, which suggests a larger sociopolitical structure.
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Flashcard info:
Author: fooboozlie
Main topic: History
Topic: Mysteries of Ancient Maya
School / Univ.: UC Riverside
City: Riverside
Published: 15.08.2012




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