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What are some things in a child’s background besides a physical or cognitive disability
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ECS 580 Topic 1 Discussions GCU

ECS 580 Topic 1 DQ 1
What are some things in a child’s background besides a physical or cognitive disability that can affect Birth to Pre-K language development? Be sure to consider verbal as well as non-verbal communication. Provide 2-3 examples, and list services or interventions that can assist the family or child.
ECS 580 Topic 1 DQ 2
What are the benefits for children who develop a solid reading ability in their elementary years? What are the issues for those who do not develop this ability? What can you do, as a teacher, to emotionally encourage a child who is struggling with his or her reading?
Tags: ECS 580, ECS 580 Topic 1, ECS 580 Topic 1 Discussions GCU
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Flashcard info:
Author: CoboCards-User
Main topic: Education
Topic: Education
School / Univ.: devry university
City: UK
Published: 12.02.2020




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