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All main topics / Medicine / Anatomy / Anatomy 2
what is a disc herniation? cause by what? and causes what?
caused by acute back sprain hwcih ruptures the nucleus polposus though the annulus fibrosis
extrudes through the intervertebral foramen and thereby compressing teh spinal nerve causing pain

long term compression can end up in anastehsia and muscle weakness pr prarlysis of the region supplied by the nerve

mostly affects discs at the felxibel aprts (lower cervial and lumabr discs mostly affected)

herniation of disc between 1 and s 1 results in pressure on s1 , produced pain is called sciatica as it ivolves the sciatic nerve, pain is felt down the back of the thigh, leg and latearl side of the food
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Flashcard info:
Author: Schnuschnax
Main topic: Medicine
Topic: Anatomy
Published: 09.02.2010




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