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All main topics / Medicine / Anatomy / Anatomy 7, 8
where do the special visceral effent fibres arise from the vagus and what do they innervate?

where to the general visceral afferent fibres have their cell body and what do they supply?
where to they habe their cell bodies?
where to they project to ?
arise form  nucleus ambiguus
form braches the pharyngeala nd the laryngeal of the vagus which supply :
solft palate, larnyx pharyx, levator palatini, upper striated muscles of the oesi
-> imortant for speech and swallowing

form heart and respiratroy and alimentary tracts
inferior nodose gangion
comissural region of the nucleus solitarius
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Flashcard info:
Author: Schnuschnax
Main topic: Medicine
Topic: Anatomy
Published: 17.02.2010




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