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All main topics / Medicine / Anatomy Foot / Anatomy 1, 12 (neck), 9 (eye)
the branches of the cercial plexus can be classified as cutaneus, muscular and phrenic nerve. hte cutaneous branches of the cervical plexus arises form c2 to 4 wich emerge form the posterior border of SCM. tname them and there origin. there are 4
there are muscular brancehs, there are three, name their origin.

• lesser occipital (C2)
• greater auricular (C2-3)
• transverse cervical (C2-3)
• supraclavicular branches (C3-4)

sternocleidomastoid (C2-3), levator scapulae (C3-4) and trapezius (C3-4).
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Flashcard info:
Author: Schnuschnax
Main topic: Medicine
Topic: Anatomy Foot
Published: 20.02.2010




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