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All main topics / VWL / VWL / Friedrich_Mikroökonomie und Makroökonomie
Soziale Marktwirtschaft

-Eingeschränkte Vertragsfreiheit (zum Schutz des Schwächeren)
-EIngeschränkte Konsumfreiheit (z.B. Rauschmittel)
-Sozialpolitik durch Staat (z.B. Pflichtversicherugen)

-offene Märkte (wenn Qualifikation vorhanden)
-Privateigentum an Produktionsfaktoren
New comment
dontaylor (02.10.2023)
Die Soziale Marktwirtschaft wird oft als Mittelweg zwischen Laissez-faire Kapitalismus und zentral gesteuerter Planwirtschaft gesehen. Sie versucht ökonomische Effizienz und sozialen Ausgleich in Einklang zu bringen.
Mira34 (14.09.2023)
The social market economy opposes laissez-faire policies and socialist economic systems, combining private enterprise with regulation and state intervention to establish fair competition while maintaining a balance of high economic growth, low inflation, low unemployment, and good working conditions.
BenjaminJohnson (07.09.2023)
Unleash your inner gamer and conquer the intense challenges that throws at you.
emitopponent (29.05.2023)
Players control a vehicle through an unending, winding route with precise timing to avoid crashing into the outer emptiness
RanaArmstrong (23.05.2023)
Paloalto Networks PCNSE Exam Dumps Questions are the most up-to-date and comprehensive practice exam questions available for the Paloalto Networks Certified Network Security Engineer (PCNSE) certification. With over 600 questions, these exam dumps are designed to help prepare you for the actual exam and cover all of the topics you need to know to become a certified professional. The questions are divided into different sections, including Security, Management, Troubleshooting, and more. The questions are written in a clear and easy-to-understand format and are based on actual exam questions used in the Paloalto Networks Exam. The questions and answers are regularly updated to ensure you get the most accurate information.

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andrewsullivan (12.04.2023)
In addition to fostering Germany's post-war economic success, the Soziale Marktwirtschaft system is credited for fostering a more egalitarian and stable society
Miranda23 (27.03.2023)
One of the most important tasks of the state in the social market economy is the creation of a legal framework within which economic activity can take place. This includes safeguarding personal liberties such as the right to free economic activity and the opportunity
Flashcard info:
Author: learner94
Main topic: VWL
Topic: VWL
Published: 26.08.2017




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