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All main topics / Health and Safety / Health & Fitness / Causes of Kidney Pain With Symptoms
Which kidney disorders cause pain?
1. Kidney stones can cause sudden severe unilateral flank pain that can travel down to the abdomen and groin.

2. Obstruction of Pelvico-Ureteral Junction (PUJ)--a genetic narrowing of the upper part of the ureter on one or both sides can cause sudden pain after drinking large amount of water.

3. Acute kidney enlargement (hydronephrosis) can occur due to a lodged urinary stone.

4. IgA nephropathy is a kidney inflammation that occurs within 72 hours after a respiratory or gastrointestinal infection. Symptoms include cola-colored urine and spasms in the kidneys.

5. Kidney infection (pyelonephritis) can cause dull pain in the kidneys, high fever, nausea, burning urination and cloudy urine.

6. Polycystic kidney disease can cause upper abdominal and middle back pain and swelling over the kidneys.

NOTE: Acute or chronic kidney failure is rarely painful.
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Flashcard info:
Author: richtree
Main topic: Health and Safety
Topic: Health & Fitness
Published: 15.09.2016




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