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The Capstone Project Thesis should be 30-60 pages and organized
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MIS 690 Topic 8 CLC Final Capstone Project Thesis GCU

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.
Finalize your Capstone Project Thesis by refining your previous work on the “Capstone Project Thesis Template” completed in conjunction with the Topic 1-7 assignments. The Capstone Project Thesis should be 30-60 pages and organized according to the following:
1.Business Problem and supporting information (based on work in Topic 1).
2.Analytics Problem and supporting information (based on work in Topic 1).
3.Results of Data Diagnostics and Descriptive Summary and associated supporting information (based on work in Topic 3).
4.Methodology Approach and Model Building and associated supporting information (based on work in Topic 4).
5.Model Evaluation (based on work in Topic 5).
6.External Model Verification and Calibration (based on work in Topic 6).
7.Model Deployment and Model Life Cycle (based on work in Topic 7).
8.Recommendations for practice, future research, and conclusions.
Tags: MIS 690, MIS 690 Topic 8, MIS 690 Topic 8 CLC Final Capstone Project Thesis GCU
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Flashcard info:
Author: CoboCards-User
Main topic: Education
Topic: Education
School / Univ.: devry university
City: UK
Published: 12.02.2020




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