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All main topics / Finance & Investment / Derivatives / Derivatives
1.A one-year forward contract is an agreement where
A.One side has the right to buy an asset for a certain price in one year’s time.
B.One side has the obligation to buy an asset for a certain price in one year’s time.
C.One side has the obligation to buy an asset for a certain price at some time during the next year.
D.One side has the obligation to buy an asset for the market price in one year’s time.
Answer: B
A one-year forward contract is an obligation to buy or sell in one year’s time for a predetermined price. By contrast, an option is the right to buy or sell.
New comment
CurtisBrown (28.11.2024)
A one-year forward contract obligates one party to buy an asset at a predetermined price in a year, contrasting with an option, which provides the right but not the obligation. It's like navigating through where each level represents a different financial instrument, and understanding these contracts helps you avoid pitfalls and reach your goals.
RoseBL (21.10.2024)
Thank you for providing this clear explanation of a one-year forward contract, which highlights the obligation to buy or sell at a predetermined price. Your clarification is greatly appreciated!
annastark (15.04.2024)
I was very encouraged to find this site. The reason being that this is such an informative post. Thanks for sharing
Flashcard info:
Author: CoboCards-User
Main topic: Finance & Investment
Topic: Derivatives
Published: 27.10.2015




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