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Measure your progress (5 Cards)

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Measure your progress
Every few weeks, schedule a practice exam for yourself to take at home. You can find practice tests online or in ACT writing my essay at your local library or bookstore. Time the test and do the best you can. As you take practice tests, you can track and measure your improvement. This also helps to identify areas in which you need to concentrate your studies. Additionally, taking practice ACT exams regularly will acclimate you to the test structure rather than just the content.
Reward yourself
Students should celebrate their progress by rewarding themselves. If you stick to your study plan for a full week or month, improve your practice test scores, or achieve another test prep milestone, treat yourself to something you enjoy. Identify small goals and corresponding rewards. Doing so in advance will help you stay motivated.
These are just a few tips to stay motivated while prepping for the ACT over summer. It may seem inconvenient, but the payoff for higher ACT scores will make this prep time worthwhile.
Almost every college and university accepts the ACT
Since nearly every college accepts the ACT as a qualifying entrance exam, this might be a better option for the majority of 2016 college prep students because the study material will stay the same. Additionally, highly qualified test prep teachers will maintain their multiple years of experience with this test. Current ACT teachers will still have the skills needed to help their students improve their ACT score.
How will colleges gauge the new SAT?
The reality is we don't know how colleges will determine which students qualify for admission on the new SAT, and this is pretty scary. Of course, colleges will have a grading scale to base applicants on but a national average will not yet be in place and many colleges may be unsure of what a good score consists of, and what an excellent score consists of. Although the grading scale will be easy to calculate, there are an amalgam of new content updates and edits. However, the ACT will remain the same and students will be able to find out what score they need on their prospective college's websites.
Not Sure Which to Take? (Take both)
Students who are unsure if their ACT score will be enough to successfully apply to college are encouraged to take both exams. If a student received a score that leaves them feeling confused on the 2019 SAT, they are encouraged to take the ACT as well.
Students and their parents are concerned about the January 1st, 2016 changes from the current SAT to the new and improved SAT. Educators are also concerned because they want to know about the specifics of the new changes and how they will affect their students. Many educators are recommending that their students take the ACT in 2016, which will change very little.
Flashcard set info:
Author: dorishall
Main topic: Education
Topic: Education
Published: 18.11.2019
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