the broken pieces which remain after sth, such as a building or vehicle, has been badly damaged or destroyed
1) a ship that has sunk or been very badly damaged
2) a vehicle that has been destroyed or badly damaged
3) informal sth or s.o. that is in bad condition
to destroy or badly damage sth
the broken pieces which remain after sth, such as a building or vehicle, has been badly damaged or destroyed
1) a ship that has sunk or been very badly damaged
2) a vehicle that has been destroyed or badly damaged
3) informal sth or s.o. that is in bad condition
to destroy or badly damage sth
(to) wreck
(to) wreck
1) the failure of a vehicle or machine to work
2) the failure to be successful or to go on operating or taking place
3) a sudden phyical or mental collapse, often short for nervous breakdown a sudden mental illness, often caused by stress or anxiety, during which a person suffers from depression and cannot cope with normal life
to fail to work; to fail to be successful or to go on taking place
1) the failure of a vehicle or machine to work
2) the failure to be successful or to go on operating or taking place
3) a sudden phyical or mental collapse, often short for nervous breakdown a sudden mental illness, often caused by stress or anxiety, during which a person suffers from depression and cannot cope with normal life
to fail to work; to fail to be successful or to go on taking place
(to) break down
(to) break down
a device, cpsisting of a small bag with a tube at one end, into which a driver can be asked to blow, used by the polive to measure the amount of alcohol in a driver's breath in order to find out whether the driver has drunk too much alcohol to drive safely
to make s.o. blow into a breathalyser
a device, cpsisting of a small bag with a tube at one end, into which a driver can be asked to blow, used by the polive to measure the amount of alcohol in a driver's breath in order to find out whether the driver has drunk too much alcohol to drive safely
to make s.o. blow into a breathalyser
breathalyser (AE: breathalyzer)
(to) breathalyse
(to) breathalyse

Flashcard set info:
Author: MaPo1988
Main topic: English
Topic: Disasters and Accidents
Published: 21.05.2010
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