Cohen vs. Cowles Media
If you tell a source that you keep their name out of their story, and they give you info based on that promise, it is a legally enforceable promise and will cause probs for you and ur org if you break it
Tags: anonymous sources, court cases
False light invasion of privacy
- Allegations are false
- Publication puts plaintiff in false light that would be offensive to a reasonable person
- No reputational damage needed, just embarrassment is enough
- Publisher is at fault
Tags: privacy, torts
NY's Shield Law
- Absolute privilege for confidential information
- Qualified privilege for non-confidential information Highly material and relevant | Critical or necessary | Not obtainable from another source
- Covers “professional journalists” - Bloggers, students?
Tags: privacy, shield law
Bartnicki v. Vopper
As long as you are not a participant in the illegal gathering of true
information about matters of public importance, you can publish it without fear of prosecution.
information about matters of public importance, you can publish it without fear of prosecution.
Tags: anonymous sources, court cases
Privacy - The 4 Torts
- Appropriation
- Intrusion into solitude or seclusion
- Disclosure of private facts
- False light invasion of privacy
Tags: privacy, torts
- One of the 4 torts of privacy
- Right of publicity - No liability for give further publicity to info that's already known by a large number of people
- Right of privacy - The right not to have your image appropriated in way that humiliates you.
- Newsgathering exception - exception to the rule is if it is of legitimate public interest or concern
Tags: privacy, torts
Intrusion into solitude or seclusion
- Tort committed without any publication
- Key: “reasonable expectation of privacy”
- Public interest doesn’t help
- Ex. Ride-alongs, secret recording, telephoto l
Tags: privacy, torts
Flashcard set info:
Author: CoboCards-User
Main topic: Law
Topic: Media Law
School / Univ.: CUNY
Published: 13.12.2010
Tags: cuny, law and ethics