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creative biolabs (11 Cards)

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An Ancient Pathway That Reveals a Fascinating Link Between Immunity and Tick Development
Lyme disease is a tick-borne infection caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi, which can cause neurological damage, arthritis, and heart disease if left untreated. By researching the infection process, a team from the University of Maryland discovered that an ancient signaling system serves an unanticipated function in connecting immunity to tick development in a recent paper published in Science. This study also suggests an entirely new target for the treatment of Lyme disease.
Tags: biotech
Lateral-Flow Immunochromatographic Assay
Lateral flow immunochromatographic assay (LFIA) is a widely used diagnostic tool known for its simplicity, rapid results, and versatility in various fields such as healthcare, agriculture, and food safety. This assay is a paper-based platform that allows the detection of the presence or absence of a target analyte in a sample, such as proteins, hormones, or pathogens. The lateral flow immunochromatographic assay operates on the principle of capillary action, where a liquid sample migrates along the test strip, encountering labeled antibodies specific to the target analyte. Upon binding, these antibodies form a visible line or band, indicating a positive result. One of the most common applications of LFIA is in home pregnancy tests, which detect the hormone hCG. Additionally, LFIAs have been instrumental in the rapid screening for infectious diseases, including COVID-19, due to their ease of use and quick turnaround time. The development of lateral flow immunochromatographic assays continues to advance, with current research focusing on improving sensitivity, multiplexing capabilities, and quantitative analysis, further enhancing their role in point-of-care testing and broadening their application in diagnostics.
Tags: Lateral-Flow Immunochromatographic Assay
5T4 based Bispecific ADC
5T4 ADC, or 5T4 Antibody-Drug Conjugate, represents an emerging and targeted approach in cancer therapy, leveraging the specificity of antibody-based targeting combined with the potent cytotoxic effects of chemotherapy. The 5T4 antigen is a cell surface glycoprotein that is highly expressed on various tumor cells, including those of colorectal, ovarian, gastric, and non-small cell lung cancers, while being minimally present on normal adult tissues. This distinct expression pattern makes 5T4 an attractive target for antibody-drug conjugate development.
Tags: 5T4 ADC
Live Biotherapeutics Drug Discovery Service for COPD
COPD therapy, or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease therapy, encompasses a range of treatments aimed at managing symptoms, improving quality of life, and slowing disease progression in individuals affected by this chronic lung condition. COPD is characterized by persistent respiratory symptoms and airflow limitation due to airway and/or alveolar abnormalities, often caused by significant exposure to noxious particles or gases, most commonly from cigarette smoke.

The cornerstone of COPD therapy includes pharmacological treatments such as bronchodilators, which help relax the muscles around the airways, and inhaled corticosteroids, which reduce inflammation in the lungs. These medications are typically administered via inhalers or nebulizers to directly target the lungs and minimize systemic side effects. For patients with more advanced COPD, long-term oxygen therapy might be prescribed to maintain adequate oxygen levels in the blood and reduce the strain on the heart.

Non-pharmacological approaches are also critical components of COPD therapy. Pulmonary rehabilitation programs, which combine exercise training, nutritional advice, and education, can significantly enhance physical endurance and respiratory function. Additionally, lifestyle modifications such as smoking cessation are vital for preventing further lung damage and improving overall health outcomes.

Emerging therapies in COPD include biologics targeting specific inflammatory pathways and lung volume reduction procedures for suitable candidates. As research continues to evolve, these innovative strategies hold promise for more personalized and effective management of COPD, ultimately aiming to improve life expectancy and reduce the burden of the disease.
Tags: COPD therapy
PDX-Derived Organoid (PDXO) Tumor Model
PDX tumor models, or Patient-Derived Xenograft tumor models, are a cutting-edge tool in cancer research and drug development, offering a more accurate representation of human tumor biology than traditional cell line-derived models. These models are created by implanting cancerous tissue directly from a patient into immunodeficient mice, allowing the tumor to grow in a living organism while maintaining its original characteristics, such as histological architecture, genetic profile, and tumor microenvironment.

The use of PDX tumor models in preclinical research provides several advantages. They enable researchers to study tumor behavior and response to therapies in a complex biological system that closely mimics human cancer. This allows for the evaluation of the efficacy and safety of new anticancer drugs and therapeutic strategies before clinical trials. Moreover, PDX models are invaluable in the development of personalized medicine approaches, as they can be used to test multiple treatments on a patient’s specific tumor, identifying the most effective therapy for that individual.

As more is understood about tumor heterogeneity and resistance mechanisms, PDX tumor models continue to play a crucial role in unraveling these complexities and accelerating the translation of research findings into clinical applications. By providing a more reliable and predictive platform for cancer therapy testing, PDX models hold the potential to improve treatment outcomes and advance the field of oncology.
Tags: PDX-Derived Organoid (PDXO) Tumor Model
Pertussis Related Antibody Products
B. pertussis IgG Ab, or Bordetella pertussis Immunoglobulin G Antibody, is an important marker for diagnosing and evaluating immunity against whooping cough, a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. The presence of B. pertussis IgG antibodies in the blood indicates a previous infection or successful vaccination, offering insights into an individual's immune status concerning this specific pathogen.

Testing for B. pertussis IgG Ab is crucial in both clinical and epidemiological settings. In clinical practice, determining antibody levels can help confirm a suspected pertussis infection, especially in patients presenting with prolonged cough. This is particularly important for infants and young children, who are more vulnerable to severe complications from the disease. Furthermore, assessing IgG antibody levels can aid healthcare providers in deciding when booster vaccinations might be necessary to ensure continued protection against pertussis.

On a broader scale, B. pertussis IgG Ab testing contributes to monitoring population immunity and vaccine coverage, guiding public health strategies in managing and preventing outbreaks. As whooping cough continues to pose a significant public health challenge globally, the role of serological assays in diagnosing infections and shaping vaccination policies remains essential in controlling the spread of this disease.
Tags: B. pertussis IgG Ab
Promising Strategies for Live Biotherapeutic Products Targeting Obesity
Obesity is spreading around the world and may contribute to a wide range of harmful conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, fatty liver, and cardiovascular disorders. Obesity can be caused by a variety of factors, such as a bad diet, insufficient rest or exercise, and heredity. Although altering one's lifestyle is still the most effective way to lose weight and improve metabolic symptoms, the use of some medical approaches shows abundant potential for individuals who cannot keep healthy routines or make behavioral modifications. Recent studies into the causes of obesity and the metabolic syndrome that it is associated with have revealed the importance of gut probiotics in the pathogenesis and control of obesity, but studies on the applications of probiotics for weight loss still need further exploration.

Fortunately, recent breakthroughs in next-generation sequencing techniques expedite the discovery of novel probiotics, which encourages researchers and offers them lots of opportunities to further investigate the diversity of new microbes. These new probiotics can also be called next-generation probiotics or live biotherapeutic products (LBPs). They are typically characterized by live microbes and are intended to have therapeutic or preventive effects in human disease. LBPs have demonstrated considerable promise in recent years for decreasing infection, triggering innate immune responses, and controlling gastrointestinal metabolism.

As a result, live biotherapeutic drug discovery for obesity has become increasingly important in clinical treatment and is going on heatedly around the world. A number of studies have been done to investigate and develop treatments for obesity using a variety of probiotics, such as Akkermansia muciniphila, Lactobacillus spp., and Bifidobacterium spp.

Compared to other marketed drugs, however, the safety assessment of anti-obesity live biotherapeutic products faces serious challenges due to their special properties and mode of action. Therefore, the analytical development and qualification of live biotherapeutic products are indispensable during the development of LBPs, including but not limited to microbial identification, biological safety testing, potency testing, and stability testing, all of which are available at Creative Biolabs with the possession of innovative technology and talented scientific minds who have extensive experience in this field.

Creative Biolabs, as a biotech CRO with extensive experience and a good reputation in the development of live biotherapeutic drugs, has provided a great number of high-quality probiotic products and a full set of services regarding analytic development and qualifications to global customers. In the future, the company will continue to optimize its services and products and strive to offer preferred services and products at the best price, promoting the discovery of live biotherapeutic drugs targeting a variety of diseases across the world.
To investigate how ticks' immune systems detect Borrelia burgdorferi, the researchers supplied blood to two sets of ticks infected with Burkholderia spirochetes and blood from uninfected mice, respectively. When the two tick groups were compared, it was discovered that the JAK/STAT signaling pathway was active in the former.
In the vast history of biological evolution, the JAK/STAT pathway has a distinctive role. This conserved signaling pathway is found in all multicellular animals and serves as a primary signaling mechanism for a number of cytokines and growth hormones involved in cell proliferation, differentiation, cell migration, and death.

The JAK/STAT pathway has recently been linked to bacterial infection processes. Borrelia burgdorferi in infected blood, the scientists hypothesized, triggered the tick's JAK/STAT pathway. To put this theory to the test, the researchers extracted germs from blood and injected them directly into ticks. Surprisingly, the JAK/STAT pathway was not activated by these Burkholderia spirochetes.
To find out why, scientists gave the ticks clean blood extracted from Borrelia burgdorferi. As a consequence, even though the pathogen was no longer present in the infected blood, the tick's JAK/STAT pathway was engaged, suggesting that some imprints in the blood left by Spirochaete burgdorferi was the true source of the JAK/STAT activation.

The imprints are the cytokine interferon γ (IFN-γ). Further studies revealed that Dome1 proteins in the tick digestive system act as receptors for JAK/STAT and that these proteins are able to bind to IFN-γ produced by the mammalian immune system, thus initiating the JAK/STAT pathway.
The study also found that JAK/STAT receptors and pathways are critical for normal tick development. The team knocked down the gene needed to synthesize the Dome1 protein, at which point the tick developed abnormally, growing deformed legs, mouthparts, and a digestive system that prevented it from feeding and completing its normal developmental cycle.

These findings convey a wise evolutionary tale. The JAK/STAT signaling cascade and receptors have developed in ticks to integrate the two critical processes of immunity and development. Bacteria compete with ticks for resources in the blood of infected hosts, so ticks access these nutrients by boosting their growth and development when they get signals that their blood is infected. Simultaneously, this mechanism enables the tick to generate an immune response long before the bacteria begin to infect.

"The adaptability of the conserved cell signaling pathway is surprising," said the study's lead author, Professor Utpal Pal, "and it is impressive that this signaling pathway, which exists in all multicellular organisms from sponges to humans, is so flexible that it can accept ligands from evolutionarily distantly related species."

This study identifies prospective targets for the development of anti-tick vaccines and drugs to prevent Lyme disease transmission, as well as fresh insights on the evolution of biomolecular interdependence among species.
Flashcard set info:
Author: geminismith
Main topic: biotech
Topic: creative biolabs
Published: 22.02.2025
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All cards (11)
5T4 ADC (1)
B. pertussis IgG Ab (1)
biotech (1)
COPD therapy (1)
Lateral-Flow Immunochromatographic Assay (1)
PDX-Derived Organoid (PDXO) Tumor Model (1)
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